Sunday, March 11, 2012

Down time at Pittsworth

While we weren't working, we were able to check out the show. It was quite a big deal. There were heaps of animals, trucks and tractor events, the usual cake bake offs and flower stuff and heaps of different stalls to check out. I really really enjoyed watching the Showjumping. Some people with their horse just make it look like a walk in the park. Now I know why their horses are 20k plus! I didn't get any pics of us working unfortunately. I will next time though.

This horse was so beautiful!

Look at the gorgeous little tackers!!!

These were the 25yo and under class showing their cattle. These guys are pretty important, because they are the ones who hopefully will be providing the nation with beef one day.

They are still coming!

Chris did a great job cooking burgers and keeping the bain marie's full of tasty deep fried snacks :) I made up loads of burger rolls and took orders. It was fun working together. We did that on Friday but on Saturday Chris worked in a different van. He actually worked in a "Showmans" van (which ppl usually call "Carnies"). Normally you have to be born or married in to it (and missing a few teeth) but Chris took to it like a duck to water (must be Erin's Fun Pier backgroung :) ). He worked an 11 hour day selling dagwood dogs, fairy floss and slurpies :) He also got a bit of attention from some of the guys and girls because they were certain that he was a Manly player (Sea Eagles)! He kindly put to them, "Do you really think I'd be doing this if I was a Manly player"! Anyway he did very well. In the mean time I was working in with Marcy and Jim, it was a good day. And we got some money to top up the kitty which is always helpful!

So after work, we would wind down around the camp and enjoy a lovely dinner and a couple of drinks.
Here's Chris encouraging Pumpkin's caffeine addiction!!!

Pumpkin loves coffee and coke! I don't know how he doesn't cut his tongue on the can but he doesn't!

Gary has got Pumkins rubber ring which goes everywhere with Pumpkin. He really is our night time entertainment! (Pumpkin that is!)

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