Monday, April 30, 2012

The show must go on...

Well here we are at Monto where we have just finished working the Saturday/Sunday show in the Strawberries and Pancakes van. And my was it interesting. We got here on Wednesday and took it easy getting everything set up and wandering about. It is a very social thing and you spend a lot of time talking to everyone while setting up, hence why it takes so long to set up!

The horses getting ready for the campdrafting

Our little van tucked in behind the scenes. The refrigerators on the trucks lulled us to sleep. Too bad the roosters woke us up so early though!!!

The horses in the stables, getting ready for their big day.

The cutest little welsh ponies!!! So placid with everyone! And they had a gorgeous thick soft coat to pat.

Unknown species...definitely strange though!!!

A scottish something or other...Halarious!!!
Saturday morning bought rain so we had a very slow start to the morning. Chris and I had not worked in this van before so we started work at lunch time and got used to the ropes. We had worked 3 hours and were waiting for Aaron's wife Marcy to show up. In that time unfortunately Marcy had rolled their truck with the burger van on it. So Aaron had to leave us to rush to Marcy and Lainey (Aaron's mum). They are ok but they did get injured and the truck was totalled.

So Chris and I were left in the van from 3pm - 10pm to close. It was absolutely halarios!!! First of all, normally when the fireworks go off, the show ends. So we had run all the stock levels down to make less wastage for the night. Little did we know that the fireworks marked the beggining of the rodeo!!! Well we were inundated with people to serve. We ran out of the pancake mix, cream in the creamers, fresh cut strawberries, ice cream in the soft serve machine and to make matters worse we went to turn on the outside lights (thanks to Duncan who suggested to do so) and they shorted out. We had blown the circuit for ours and 4 other vans!!! Meanwhile Chris was cooking pancakes in the dark for the pile of customers lining up, while making pancake mix. Duncan cut some strawberries for us (he had packed up for the night), I madly put cream in the creamers and Ice cream in the ice cream machine while serving customers and waiting for power.

When we got it all under control somewhat, I went to put some cream on a lady's pancakes and skwirted her with cream. Everyone was in stiches!!! Then Chris tries to take the lid off one of the creamers and he was sprayed from head to toe with cream! What a night!!! Anyway we did well considering and Aaron and Marcy were so relieved that we had it under control (or what they think was control!). We then had to do it all over again by ourselves on Sunday from 9am - 7pm while Aaron organised a new truck.

Note my clean workspace...clean as you go and the mess won't grow :)
Duncan helping us cut his Colombo hat (the opposition)

The happy pancake couple :)

Colombo hats as requested by Duncan!

So today...
Chris is fixing stub axel's, packing bearings, machining drums and fixing the trailer wiring in the burger van. While Aaron and Marcy pick up the new truck.

The full view of the van after the show

The Bush Tucker Van being repaired

My new friend :)
Tommorow we are heading out to make our way to Daly Waters (Northern Territory). We have 3 days to travel 2600kms. They are going to be long days!!! Then we have to set up for a five day show. Oh man, we have our work cut out for us. But it is all fun. After that we are off to Kununurra for something else. So I am taking it easy today, getting ready for the long haul.

Talk to you soon xxx

PS. I noticed that their was a bull loose this afternoon and tried to tell the owner but they weren't there. So I went up to it to see if it was friendly enough for me to tie it up and it charged me!!! So I went and got Chris to see if he would get it and tie it up. Which he did nervously!!!

Hmmm caution uncertain animal ahead

Chris wishing the rope was longer!

Alright he's tied up...lets get out of here :)

Friday, April 20, 2012

On the road again...

We are finally ready to go!!!

Trailer trash is back...bigger and better! :)

Going for a walk at Currumbin to stretch our legs

Oh how I love birds :)

I think i'll just keep an eye on them

Driving through Brisbane to meet Stephanie

Yummy ice cream after dinner!

Me and My gorgeous sister!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Last minute adjustments

Jace did a fantastic job of making the motorbike mounts and ramp for us. So Chris worked on the bikes to get them secured into the truck.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Checking the storage unit

Once we knew the truck was well on the way to being ready to go, we decided to visit the storage unit to see if we could get a few things out.

The beggining of the day was interesting...
 I flung my hair back and got caught on the hatch. The annoying thing was I couldn't do anything about it while Chris was in fits of laughter running to the camera!!! Ouch!!!

Here is a look at how well packed our storage unit is! I wasn't exaggerating!

Packed to the rafters...literally!!!

Here we are taking over the hallway of the storage complex :)

This is what we came for!

A not so excited Chris after repacking the unit. But look on the bright side we reduced the boxes by 6! It looks a lot less crammed now.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Back to work

After Easter, it was full steam ahead to get the truck ready.

Here is Chris strengthening the pantech so that it doesn't rattle to pieces.

Drilling the pop rivets out

Sealing the truck up

Chris installing the nose cone

We are getting so close now, we just have to work out how to secure the motobikes, In the meantime Chris has continued with wiring up the truck to charge the caravan and run the fridge etc.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Celebrations

We had a wonderful easter spent with family. It was a nice break for us in between working on the truck.

We had a great day with Nana and Aunty Carolyn on Easter Friday.

And then we had a feast at Mum and Dad's! Tigerlily thought she was invited too. It didn't help that we encouraged her!

Just checking if it's dead...

Another tasty treat!

Tigerlily didn't seam to like the legs.