Monday, February 6, 2012

Hervey Bay = Spot to fix everything wrong with our 1984 Caravan :)

Chris and I have been extremely busy fussing over the caravan. Poor Chris has been working in the heat and in confined spaces to fix the fridge and correctly vent it, vent the hot water system out properly, fix the windows that arn't working properly and the list goes on. I may have gone shopping with mum briefly, for the essentials of course ;) I have been helping though. I put in a flyscreen that I had forgot to replace when I did the others. And I have been cleaning up after Chris and making sure he drinks lots of water.

Needs some prettying up, but it's working! The fridge now holds it's temperature!!!

We have so much to do still. But we needed to go for a bit to see what still needed to be done. So in the comfort of Mum's, we are able to focus on getting these things done before our next leg of our journey. So unfortunately we haven't been doing anything extremely exciting!

We did however go for a 24km bike ride the other morning. Yikes!!! My butt was sooooo sooo sore afterwards!!!! But I have since recovered!

Chris has also cooked a few really lovely meals. He made Salmon and Prawn linguine which was to die for, especially with the beaufully cooked fresh seafood! Tonight he make homemade lamb kebabs, they were also delicious!

We went to the Bayside Christian Church last Sunday which was really good. They really need to expand though, the church was literally packed to the rafters, it was amazing! I'm almost certain that half of Hervey Bay was there (exageration)! Anyway, we came away refreshed and energised which is always a good feeling :)

I will try to take some more photos. I have been a little slack. I always forget to take the camera. I promise more interesting snaps will come :)

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